Monday, December 1, 2008


I spent most of Saturday helping my sister Naoma move out of her house and into my sister Anna's house because Anna was moving into my parent's house because they are moving to Mexico City. Got it so far?

Well, I was outside Anna's house getting some boxes and one of my co-workers (who is one of my favorite people and who happens to live in this same neighborhood) drives by and stops and calls out hello.

Before I could say anything she jumps in with, "Hi, I'm Sandy. I'm the nursery leader at church and I just wanted to introduce myself."

I responded, "Hi Sandy. I'm Sarah. I work with you."

In her defense, I had my hair pulled back with no make-up on and she knew that my sisters and I look alike. In fact, Naoma and I look the most alike. But then on the other hand, she'd never seen Naoma. . .


Annette Lyon said...

Hahahaaaa! That's classic! Further evidence that there's just one Stewart mold.

LauraLee said...

Sarah the house trading part of this tale is so your family!

Naoma said...

Love it. Still need to meet Sandy, but I am glad that I look like you, lucky me!

The Lloyd Family said...


Nick and Ashley said...

That is hilarious! I would feel like such a nerd if that happened to me.